Saturday, April 16, 2011

4 years later....

My TG ex-spouse is still living on her own, and I'm remarried. I looked up an old flame that I was dating at the same time as my ex, because I knew that his first wife was lesbian. I knew that he would understand what I was going through. I was right, and we've been hanging out ever since and 6 months ago tied the knot ourselves. It's amazing the differences in the marriage. I'm finding so many things that were missing in the first marriage that I wasn't even aware of. For example, this spouse puts my wishes first on his agenda (usually) where the tg spouse was so busy protecting his closet that s/he wasn't even aware of my needs let alone ready to meet them.

We still remain friends, but our life styles are so different now that we only touch base a couple of times a year. I wish her luck in her transition and new life.

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